
Former user wrote on 1/11/2015, 9:41 AM

Hi Indigo:

Very lovely melody...  I can certainly get behind this...

Thanks for sharing.


Former user wrote on 1/12/2015, 4:33 AM

track light and catchy melody very pleasant
very well


Former user wrote on 1/12/2015, 12:55 PM

Hi! info4u2. Auch beim Letzten irgendwo meinte ich sowas wie: wenigstens Einer, der sich darüber Gedanken macht ... schön lockeres Stück

LG / aces-e37

Piazzini wrote on 1/12/2015, 2:06 PM

interesting track.

sunny sounds and a good arrangement.

I like very much. the drum track should have a little more variety. 

en liebe gruess vom


Former user wrote on 1/12/2015, 10:37 PM

Hi Indigo

Love your smooth jazzy tunes.  Your titles are always very interesting and picturesque and make me wonder how you came up with them 

Happy song

Michel-Solo-Band wrote on 1/14/2015, 3:53 PM

Good and softy works my friend.

A little bit of jazz & funk,...but the outro ??

LG  Tyler

Former user wrote on 1/16/2015, 4:55 AM

it is without doubt a very good track
instrumental ensemble varied and well placed in the context of the song
very well

Frasangalaglav ( Franco e Sandro)