
Former user wrote on 3/9/2015, 5:23 AM

overall I would say that the track is well made.
I listened very willingly
well done


Former user wrote on 3/9/2015, 6:36 AM

brano piacevole e orecchiabile


Former user wrote on 3/9/2015, 5:11 PM

I like your style.  It's almost a cross between jazz and reggae. Jazgae.  Or maybe Regazz.  I think I like the second one better.  WHo knows, maybe ther is already such a genre??? 

I wish it would have been longer so I could finish writing while the song was playing rather than writing with silence.  


Former user wrote on 3/10/2015, 2:11 PM

Hi! info4u2. Dass es davon einige Töne abgibt ... damit hätte ich nun gar nicht gerechnet.

LG / aces-e37

stuallan wrote on 3/13/2015, 11:20 AM

Hi Indigo,

Very easy listening! Smooth arrangement. The drum track gives it a very intersting movement.

Could have been longer but I enjoyed it thoroughly!


Best Regards,


Former user wrote on 3/23/2015, 10:58 AM

Hi Indigo:

I believe you are (close enough, that is). <lol>  

A delightful and pleasant song; hence the category, "Easy Listening".  As Stu mentioned, a tad brief, but a pleasure...
