Click, Goodnight

Akrivis wrote on 4/15/2014, 6:40 PM
Album: Mix file

This shows you when the will to create is strong, nothing can stop you.

Load up Magix and just hit RECORD. I had no guitar and I was visiting someone.

I started singing to myself... Randall Flagg's song.  "I didnt invent this disease, I dindt push the button..."

I had no guitar... I took a ukulele with 3 string and shoved a logitech stick mike into the hole with scotch tape.

This is a small toy uke with Magix helping on FX


Robbie's at the helm to prove himself right

Last thing that you hear is click goodnight

Good night sweet prince

Good night sweet princess





tingel wrote on 4/16/2014, 1:27 PM

Glanestino.... genial und nett gemacht... das optimale aus Deinem Equiqment rausgeholt... Tingel, der mit dem Drachen fliegt...

Akrivis wrote on 4/16/2014, 6:59 PM

danke, danke ... ich habe keine Scham. Poste ich Songs, die ich auf Mikrokassette aufzeichnen. Ich denke, die Zukunft wird vielleicht die Verrücktheit zu schätzen wissen.

Last changed by Akrivis on 4/16/2014, 6:59 PM, changed a total of 1 times.