Blood has been shed

Edi-no1 wrote on 1/19/2015, 11:27 AM


Welcome to the rock hell! This is my new scene and I'd like to show you my wild soul. I've used vst instruments, samples, fx, synth and other effects. 

To all rock/metal lovers: I hope you will not kick my ass for this crap! What a pity I can't play the guitar.. this is all I can do in rock music using MMM.




nafets. wrote on 1/19/2015, 11:52 AM

no crap.....nothing kick in your ass ...... 

krasse midi-guitar......find ich mal richtig abgefahren....!  

das ist super,heftig und klasse im sound !

wow..... !


nachtrag: bin etwas erschrocken,dass ich der einzige bin,der begeister ist !

ich find der song fetzt und bin da einfach dem verrückten midi-gitaristen gefolgt.

Ich bleib dabei,mal aus der regelnorm und sehr verrückt !


VOXS wrote on 1/19/2015, 1:02 PM

Hi Edyta,

mhmm - I'm a Bluesman and a small Rocker - so, I've no experience in Shred-Metal. But this thing is a bit too much. I can't hear the "red thread" - sorry  Maybe I need to learn...

All the best - VOX

Father_of_Joy wrote on 1/20/2015, 8:40 AM

I'm sorry! But that sounds more after a couple of training sessions of a wild guitarist. Just weird. 

Former user wrote on 1/20/2015, 9:32 AM

Hi Edi:

Yes, very "experimental" indeed.  I applaud your willingness to put your ideas out here; regardless of any possible negative feedback.  Of course, this style of music may not be everyone's "cup of tea", but I personally listen to ALL types of music.  Trust me, compared to what I've heard throughout the years, this track is certainly not as far out as some have implied. 

Keep thinking outside of the box.  A little separation from the pack can sometimes be a good thing.

Onward and upward for 2015!


Former user wrote on 1/20/2015, 1:04 PM

Hi! Edi-no1. War nicht ganz leicht, wie? Mir ging es auch immer die Hose ... das Gebiet ist nur was für hartgesonnene.

LG / aces-e37

LORDPEER wrote on 1/20/2015, 1:39 PM

Hello Edition No1

I think it's very well done really nice US hard rock blood.! Beautiful crazed Gittarren, with lots of beats !!!  Very beautifully composed, the e - Gittarre brings all very nice in bold with the different Hüllcoven settings.!

The Mellodie went off properly, just as they must be, otherwise the direction of the sound would have been another, your Instingt is very good for this type beat.!

I think most know just this type of hard rock not blood, but I can tell you I have a lot geört and seen and you have this beat very well on it.!

I watch a lot of US series and as you can hear a lot of that sound in MIAMI .ing TATTOO studio when experiencing such series in US television you can hear in the background always exactly such music as you have made hir. !!

I think it classe made of you young lady, 10 + star mature performance the young lady, your soul is classe JÄÄÄRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Dee. Jee. Peer Salute + Saludos young lady



Former user wrote on 1/26/2015, 5:42 AM

direi che si tratta di rock brutale, ritmica esagerata e chitarre distorte.

non è il tipo di rock che io prediligo, ma nel complesso il brano non è male


GBTraveller wrote on 2/3/2015, 5:14 AM

Himmel, die Nummer ist ja mal richtig durchgeknallt ! Meilenweit vom üblichen Mainstream. 

Kreativ allemal, aber für den täglichen gebrauch habe ich persönlich meine Zweifel................achja, da haben wir wieder die Frage aller Fragen...................die Geschmacksfrage !

Wer musikalisch rastet der rostet !

Gib alles für den Lernprozess.

Gruss Freddy

Nickillus wrote on 2/4/2015, 6:06 AM

Well remind me not to get on your wrong side Edi.  There's rage in here I've not heard in other pieces from you.  Hope you wore your (or borrowed) black, leather trousers to arrange  this.  Your offerings are never less than interesting and this is no exception.  You have a very individual voice.  Great stuff.

ballabarr wrote on 2/27/2015, 6:38 PM

Yaaaa i like it love the drumming but the whole song is good

well done A lot of stars 4 u ************************* etc

keep rocking

Have a grate day

Last changed by ballabarr on 2/27/2015, 6:38 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

Im from sweden 55 year's young play 4 instruments,(Drums is my main instr) guitarr,keybords,and some bassand im learning to play faceorgan (Harmonica) I make my musc self.I love icehockey and soocer,bean to cooking school,bean a sailor for 10 years,but not anymore hade my last ship 1993 and i miss that job  (cargoship) see the world and get pay'd for it,that's nice

(Pleace wright in english if u can no requirement just a wishes)

IanCave wrote on 4/5/2015, 5:27 AM

Hi Edi,the idea is ok( 3 stars for midi guitars)!Keep inspired!Peace!!

gospelbj1 wrote on 4/24/2015, 6:38 PM


This is not a genre that I listen to much, so I feel a little unworthy to comment or critique on it.  But I'm giving you 5***** for experimenting with it and putting it out here.  From what I've heard here in the US, you're right in line with the mainstream metal/alternative rock industry. 

I've been thinking about dabbling in a few different've just encouraged me to experiment and branch out a little!!!


jecke wrote on 12/4/2015, 5:14 PM

Maybe a bit unstructed :-)But you get my vote for being different!! :-)