
Former user wrote on 4/18/2013, 4:21 PM

auch Angels brauchen Trost , bei dieser WELT ....!...

PRIMA ... Super Musik ..

Gruß Oktave ( Andreas )

Former user wrote on 4/18/2013, 9:42 PM

Very nice!  Etheral and heavenly.Your pictures are awesome as well.

How do you send your songs to people for them to listen to or do they automatically go to your contacts?


Former user wrote on 4/18/2013, 11:01 PM

Hello Dj!

Beautiful music, you have made ​​here! Great sound and super nice cover! Very great work! I think this is the right style for you! :-) So I'm convinced that there are angels and you? :-)

many greetings


Huck wrote on 4/19/2013, 1:56 AM


Sehr schön anzuhören!!!

Klasse gemacht!!!

Gruß HUck!

VisionART wrote on 4/19/2013, 4:11 AM

They are in You...

Thank you a lot for your brain and heart music making those angels for us human, smile


Ps. are they Feminist Angels? It sounds like war of angels, I think

Former user wrote on 4/19/2013, 5:15 AM

Hi djroar,

that's music i like to hear.

Regards Jürgen

Former user wrote on 4/19/2013, 7:02 AM

Once again DJ, you Have proven to be an absolute master of this music genre!  The song and title go hand-in-hand.  The tonal 'ephemerality' of the piece definitely heightens an overall celestial feeling.  Definitely 'Angelic'...   A well thought-out composition.  

Former user wrote on 4/19/2013, 7:30 AM

a very soulful piece, class made


LG Sigrid

Former user wrote on 4/19/2013, 11:54 AM

Hello Djroar,
and 'work musically important, well done.

gerrycix wrote on 4/19/2013, 12:05 PM

Hello Roar,
A beautiful song to the new age, congratulations!
Greetings Gerrycix

Farstom wrote on 4/19/2013, 12:55 PM

I know that aliens exist, but angels. I do not know
nice work
i like it

Last changed by Farstom on 4/19/2013, 12:55 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

I know nothing about music. Only listened .. Using technology also makes possible for me to be able to make music.

  I am also into photography amateur.

I'm not here for stars score but coment with advice for improvement of my music.

at my coment on music of others, I remain honest. this must be mutual .

I give my voice just as public and not as someone who knows something from music.

 I'm open to all criticism. I want to learn something



Former user wrote on 4/19/2013, 12:55 PM

Malt man sich aus, was man gerne möchte: Wie Engel leben, wer sie sind -fraglich? -, !!


tingel wrote on 4/19/2013, 1:06 PM

hey Roar, You call them angels ... for me they are keepers, working for a sophisticated Dymnastie ... fractious builder of our planetary system ... We know them as angels and demons ... as black and white. Your music brings to bear good ... Very good work, excellent sound ... an experience to hear this ... love greetings from Tingel with the Tick ... Andi (FAV it goes)

Nickillus wrote on 4/19/2013, 2:06 PM

Wonderful stuff djroar.  Extremely atmospheric soundscape that evokes all sorts of emotions.

Former user wrote on 4/19/2013, 3:07 PM

the cover is splendid, and it is sicuramemte suited to represent your work.
a composition from film-style fantasy excellent choirs and sound together
very well


Maboe wrote on 4/20/2013, 3:39 AM

I enjoyed this great piece of music - very well made my friend!


Former user wrote on 4/20/2013, 11:51 AM

Hello my friend
another perfect  music ambient but also soundtrack it
a kiss


Former user wrote on 4/20/2013, 1:40 PM

 very good work, exellent sound and very good ambient music

SWP ( Franco)

Picnicboy wrote on 4/20/2013, 2:40 PM


Die and you will see.........they are so REAL like we are!

But the other Side, too!

Very intensive Music to a really nice Theme!

Very well done!

It´s a bit sad that my English is not enough to tell how I think about your Music sometimes than using this standard Words like "nice", "well done" and so on!

Very nice Sound of Angeldust!


Former user wrote on 4/20/2013, 4:41 PM

Hi djoar

Very cool Track. Top Mixing. Like it very much !

lg Serge

ArtistW wrote on 4/20/2013, 9:12 PM

What a beautiful cover. And concerning the music I agree with Webster.

nuraramezani wrote on 4/21/2013, 1:48 PM


Really Beautiful!!



Skorpion62 wrote on 4/26/2013, 9:53 AM

tolle Nummer

gruß günter

Former user wrote on 4/27/2013, 11:54 AM

Hello Music-Friend ....

nicht schlecht wie sich Dein Song aufbaut....wirkt sehr "groß" ...."himmlisch" !?! 

Danke für Deinen Kommentar gerade...sorry mein spätes Reinhören......

die Effekt-Drums sind etwas am Roten - Bereich hier sind die Bässe etwas zu sehr reingenommen worden.....

einzigster Kritikpunkt zu Deinem tollem Song !

sehr gern gehört
