
littlebadboy wrote on 8/6/2013, 12:18 PM
Title: trance littlebadboy angel

I did not use Magix in making this but thought of sharing this with the Magix community.  I made this about 10 years ago.  I thought of how it would feel to see an angel in a Trance genre.  I also thought of using the sound of a glass armonica because for me it is an eerie mysterious sound which puts me in a different state of mind.  I hope you'll enjoy it.


Former user wrote on 8/6/2013, 2:01 PM

oui , les souvenirs d' e-jay ! -- il n'y a pas trop de basses , dommage  mais bonne idée !


smartsmurf wrote on 8/7/2013, 5:27 AM

Energetic but also "laid back" techno track... like it. 

Former user wrote on 8/7/2013, 12:43 PM

Damals wie heute, oder so ähnlich –auch Magix hat sich rausgeputzt und ist erwachsener geworden –ist den Ansprüchen der Verbraucher auch gewaltig gewachsen –wenn du die Pools noch hast, kannst ja das mal mit den neueren Generationen versuchen –gibt ganz sicher ein ganz anderes Klangbild daher –, !!
