
Former user wrote on 4/14/2015, 4:53 AM

mix sonoro molto particolare, ma senza dubbi interessante.

ritmica molto buona, traccia che è ben fatta


Former user wrote on 4/18/2015, 7:18 PM

die Idee ist nice, aber mir fehlt etwas!!!

for you're next production --- >

IMNODJ wrote on 4/19/2015, 3:19 AM

Thank you Starchaser  and Galaegala. All coments are of gerat help as I am very new at this. Baby steps!

bkreissig-MULTIKON wrote on 4/21/2015, 12:29 PM

Sehr interessant, kenne die Samples gar nicht..

IMNODJ wrote on 4/22/2015, 3:47 AM

Used some parts of someTango Fusion Club tracks mixed with voice samples and various samples from Magix soundpools Metal vol 3, House vol 11 and Dance Electro vol 9