Hoping to get some help and advice here as I have spent many days trying to work through this.
I have a pretty simple "night lapse" taken on a gopro hero 10. Given how long the sequences are, gopro doesn't stitch them together. All of the images are in a jpeg format with a resolution of 5568X4176, yuvj422p pixelformat and bt470bg colorspace.
I'm using video pro x16 version on windows 11 and use the neat video denoiser plug in.
What I'm trying to do is put the individual frames together in a high quality, lossless (or nearly so) video file. The KEY issue for video pro x16 seems to be preserving the yuv422p chroma subsampling.
Basically, the question I have is, what output format or options can I use with ffmpeg to encode a video format that I can import into video pro x16? ffmpeg does it's job perfectly. I can view/play whatever output I throw at it. I can run it through handbrake etc... rendering new content without issues. However the problems occur when I try to import it into video pro x16. Also open to other tools other than ffmpeg that will render high quality videos with 422p.
One of 2 things happen when I bring in any video format in yuv422p. If I encode yuv420p, video pro is fine.... no problem. 422 or 444, it either prompts me to buy another codec or simply imports it with all black frames... with sometimes a few all green sprinkled in early in the clip.... and every once in awhile I get a few frames of the actual content but all the other frames are black (empty).
I also tried the trick of setting the program settings to frame=1 and dumping all the jpgs into video pro.... that doesn't create good results for me with the neat video noise processing.
In a nutshell, I need a high quality video format I can create from all these jpg images encoded in yuv442p preserving the original image data as much as possible - that video pro x16 can actually import correctly.