I am running it on a laptop and a desktop each with Windows 10.
The laptop is fine for now but I will likely only have it installed on 2 desktops by summer.
The desktop for my studio is powerful but it performs better with Windows 8.1, and I run Magix on a Windows 10 installation on a partition of the same drive.
Magix seems to run great on Windows 10 but I may have to install 8.1 on this, the studio PC, for compatibility issues and it also serves for 3-D CAD modeling/manufacturing and other high tech science oriented tasks. I don't want to restart it frequently and run some apps on 10, others on 8.1. Overall, the hardware I combined just seems to favor 8.1.
I plan to buy a Windows 10/11 workstation soon and the pair will be used for Magix. With those points made, the current desktop only has 8gb of RAM, a 4gb nvidia card and a 6-core AMD-FX I want to swap up to an 8-core. The RAM the most obvious upgrade on the list. It may just be sludging about at times with Windows 10 because of the RAM.