Windows 10 vs 8.1 for MMM2023

Jon-Marinella wrote on 4/19/2023, 4:35 PM

I am running it on a laptop and a desktop each with Windows 10.
The laptop is fine for now but I will likely only have it installed on 2 desktops by summer.

The desktop for my studio is powerful but it performs better with Windows 8.1, and I run Magix on a Windows 10 installation on a partition of the same drive.
Magix seems to run great on Windows 10 but I may have to install 8.1 on this, the studio PC, for compatibility issues and it also serves for 3-D CAD modeling/manufacturing and other high tech science oriented tasks. I don't want to restart it frequently and run some apps on 10, others on 8.1. Overall, the hardware I combined just seems to favor 8.1.

I plan to buy a Windows 10/11 workstation soon and the pair will be used for Magix. With those points made, the current desktop only has 8gb of RAM, a 4gb nvidia card and a 6-core AMD-FX I want to swap up to an 8-core. The RAM the most obvious upgrade on the list. It may just be sludging about at times with Windows 10 because of the RAM.



SP. wrote on 4/19/2023, 5:44 PM

@Jon-Marinella Microsoft ended consumer support for Windows 8.1 in January 2023 and then Magix also stopped supporting Windows 8.1.  The software can still run well.  Note, however, that any new Music Maker update may break Windows 8.1 compatibility or may not install.

Jon-Marinella wrote on 4/19/2023, 5:55 PM

@Jon-Marinella Microsoft ended consumer support for Windows 8.1 in January 2023 and then Magix also stopped supporting Windows 8.1.  The software can still run well.  Note, however, that any new Music Maker update may break Windows 8.1 compatibility or may not install.

The way it runs on Windows 10 had me suspecting 8.1 won't run it as well. There are plenty of apps I use that I know to run better on Win10 vs 8.1 and the way it moves, the speed to load and so on pretty much had me convinced it's intended for 10.