
Lazerboy wrote on 3/16/2009, 5:21 AM
Never heard of a line. Please make a screenshot. You can be sure that it is an internal problem of your we would need more info to help!
ralftaro wrote on 3/16/2009, 5:42 AM

If you're referring to what I think you're referring to, this is a fairly common effect when performing analog video recordings, occurring with many different types of video capture hardware and software. You'll typically get a bunch of garbage/noise on the last line. Usually, this results in minor or no practical problems, as the outer edges of your picture are going to by cropped by the TV anyway (if you're burning a DVD). So, you might just want to set the anti-TV-cropping function in the software to a compromise value, resulting in a small percentage still being cropped and you'll be fine. If you're exporting to a different format, you might want to use the zoom/cropping function in the software to zoom into the picture just a tiny bit. This way you're sacrificing an insignificant amount of picture information, but on the plus side you're getting rid of the undesired, corrupted bottom line.

I hope this helps.