
cpc000cpc wrote on 9/19/2012, 7:43 PM

Hard to answer with such little information...

When you say 'mpeg', not 'avi' just what are you talking about? If it is your source material don't worry as MEP can use both formats. If it is your exported finished project you need to pick the format you want for the export menu.

Similarly with respect to speed; this can be adjusted using 'Effects' tab >> 'Video effects' >> 'Speed'. If the problem is your source material, does it play too fast in say Media Player, or only in MEP?

gandjcarr wrote on 9/19/2012, 8:34 PM


I agree completely with cpc000cpc.  Not much to go on here.  Movie Edit Po does not export to AVI probably because AVI while it is a file extension, it is not actually a video format.  It is a container for video and audio files.  So your comments really make no sense to me.

Please provide a lot more detail on what is happening that you are concerned about.

Good Luck