I just updated to Music Maker 2015, and I can't import mp3-files any more. I can play them in Windows Media Player or VLC Player, but MM gives the following error message:
The file format of myfile.mp3 cannot be read by MAGIX Music Maker. Please make sure that the drive is not full or write-protected.
My drive is certainly NOT full or write-protected. I can.t even read mp3 files that Music Maker has created itself...
However, I can import .wav files.
I tried the following, but this did not help (yet):
- reinstalling the program
- running the program as Admin
- reinstalling VLC player
- putting my mp3 files on another location on the computer
However, when I installed AllPlayer it worked (but that program corrupted other things). So, has it something to do with my codec? Please help.