Why are my videoclip cut off? anette wrote on 6/9/2012, 8:22 AM I have an avi-file of 2 min 55 sec, but when I drag it to the edit track it only displays the first 1 min 26 sec. The rest is cut off, and it cannot be resized. GSpot reports dvsd codec and that codec is installed. So what could be the problem? Back to post
Comments johnebaker wrote on 6/11/2012, 4:38 AM Hi What does GSpot say the values for the following are? 1. Frame rate 2. Bitrates for the video and audio 3. The actual length of the file is? Are the avi files all from the same source if so what? John anette wrote on 6/17/2012, 10:15 AM I just found out that the computer running the program only has 512 MB Ram. Could this be the cause of such behaviour? 1