In the magix 2013 music maker ,you could go to elastic audio and find the intelligent harmonizer but ,I can't find this any place in the 2014 premium magix music maker ,so what can i do about this or where can i find it.
In Music maker you can find Harmonizer information by referring PDF help manual All Programs/Magix Music Maker/Documentation(could be different as per your version) when you find it in the search of PDF type Hamonizer you will get result. Or you can try Alt+Shift+F. In the Help you can also refer short cut key command.
I could think of two things only, your Music maker version is not Premier or if you are using download version in that case you did not install it fully.
I looked at the help manual of MMM 2013 and 2014 Premium. The harmonizer that was in 2013 has disappeared in 2014. Elastic audio existed in 2013 Premium (according to the regular manual) but not in 2014 Premium (which I have). In 2014 there is now a harmony agent but it does not do the same thing, only harmony recognition..
Magix Samplitude Music Studio 2013 has Elastic audio easy and the harmonizer. So it would appear that Magix removed it from MMM and left it or put it in SMS. You might want to check this with Magix.