When exporting multicam videos, all 3 videos show

profit101 wrote on 4/16/2012, 10:16 PM

How do I get the 2-camera video to appear when I export a multicam video?

I get all 3 views in my exported video, just like in the edit mode... the videos from the 2 cameras on the left side and the video made from the multicam edit on the right.

I know there's a simple fix. I just couldn't find it anywhere in the manual or in help.



john-auvil wrote on 4/17/2012, 9:33 AM

Multicam function is when you bring in two videos to be process and combined into one.

  • Video 1: Is inserted on Track 3, its audio is on Track 4
  • Video 2: Is inserted on Track 5, its audio is on Track 6

Once that is set, you press for Multicam Mode, this will highlight to the videos you have brought in, from there you make sure the playback cursor is at the beginning and you should notice two windows within the preview monitor. both represent a video in the tracks below. A third window preview will appear when you click on the video there you want to lead off with...

When you are ready, you then will press play, then select each video with a mouse click during the playback so and the program automatically builds a new video in Track 1 (with audio in Track 2). Once you are done, you will need to delete the original videos, so you are only left with the video in Track 1, and you also turn off the Multicam Mode.

Now you treat the video as normal in Movie Edit Pro.

I hope this helps