what Music Maker product(s) to install?

mijb65 wrote on 2/11/2014, 5:41 PM

I am new to Music Maker. This is my first post and is more sales oriented. I have the basic versions of Music Maker 17, MX ,and  2013, none of which are insatlled on my Win 7 machine, yet. I do not know the diff between them but have been trying to find out.  I am considering getting MM 2014 and finally getting into using Music Maker. Looks like fun!  I looked at several reviews about each of the MM products mentioned that I have (as well as 2014) incld on Youtube.  My question is does MM 2014 contain all that the others have and perhaps more being a new version or do the others (specifically MX and 17. What's the difference betwwen them?) have some nuances that 2014 doesn't have?

I'm hoping that I only need to insatll 2014.




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