What kind of external microphones are compatible with Music Maker 2022

Rabbi-Zeekee wrote on 5/19/2022, 1:13 PM

Hi, I was wondering what kind of dynamic, condenser, or USB microphones are compatible with Music Maker (64-Bit) Version I'm planning on recording vocals and I want my voice to sound indisputably professional, so if there is a microphone that is compatible with Music Maker 2022, I would really appreciate it! I'm currently on a Windows 7 but I'm upgrading to a Windows 11. Please reply at your earliest conveience.

Thank you for your patience.

And have a wonderful one!


SP. wrote on 5/19/2022, 1:25 PM

@Rabbi-Zeekee Hello! The best idea is a combination of an USB audio interface with ASIO drivers and a XLR microphone instead of an USB microphones. USB microphones can always be problematic, depending how compatible its audio drivers are. USB audio interfaces are usually running fine.

To get a professional sounding recording you need an acoustically well treated recording environment. You need to reduce reverb and noise in your room as much as possible. So put a lot of pillows in your room and thick blankets over the walls and don't record near your computers cooling fan. A cheap trick is to record directly under a thick blanket or under a table that is completely covered with a blankets down to the floor. After recording you can use a compressor effect to even out volume fluctuations and an EQ to sculpt your sound frequencies.

Rabbi-Zeekee wrote on 5/19/2022, 3:10 PM

Thank you, I will follow your advice & see if we're successful!