
ralftaro wrote on 12/11/2008, 10:10 AM

What do you mean when you say you can't find your site? Have you forgotten your own URL? Are you possibly referring to the indexing and ranking of your site in search engines? If so, just type "google" into the search function of the community here and you will find a couple of posts that address this issue. In a nutshell, this is a kinda complex topic, but there are ways how you can positively influence your search engine listing and ranking.

As far as problems loading the page are concerned, please keep in mind that Website Maker uses Flash technology. By its very nature, this makes the system somewhat restrictive, like any Flash-based site. So, your visitors would need a decent, broad-band Internet connection and an up-to-date, properly configured Flash player plug-in from Adobe:

Unfortunately, some systems (e.g. public, library, school) are administrated in a way that they will block the installation of such additional plug-ins altogether.