wave import is fast

youllgiveme wrote on 10/24/2009, 10:10 PM
I Just got MAGIX Music Maker 14.  I used the file manager to open a wav file.  When I draged the file to the aranger, this thing that made sure the metronome fit the music poped up.  I messed with it for a while, and when it was done I hit play to hear what I had, but to my shock it played fast.  everything was sped up.  Uow do I fix this and how did it get lik that?  


Procyon wrote on 10/25/2009, 12:18 PM
"...how did it get lik that?"

You answered your own question in your post.

"I (you) pessed with it for a while,..."

I don't have MM-14, so I don't know what "popped up" that you "pessed" with.  I suspect it is the remix-agent/beat-finder dialog box.  Whilie "pessing" with it, you probably changed the tempo of the object or the whole arrangement.  That's likely why it plays fast.

The fix is simple.  Delete the object from the arrangement, reset the arrangement tempo to 120 BPM (default), re-import the WAV file and don't "pess" with it.  OR, you can open a new, fresh arrangement and simply import the WAV file.

You can click a box in the pop-up window so that the remix-agent/beat-finder dialog bow does not open up everytime you import a non-soundpool file.
NoTurning wrote on 10/25/2009, 3:56 PM
In addition to what Procyon said, whenever you import a wav it will ask if you want to identify the beat. You can cancel that and the BPM will be irrelevant to your .wav file until you add a sample that has a specified beat. It will then change your arrangement and the speed of your .wav.

It's best to know the BPM of the wave you're importing prior to importing, you can then tell the beat agent what BPM you want or set your arrangement accordingly - that will prevent your .wav from playing at the wrong speed.
