
SP. wrote on 7/5/2022, 4:38 PM

@daflik VST plugins are always added in the same way in any music program.

1. You install the plugin and enter a path were you want to install 64 bit and 32 bit VST plugins (file type DLL). VST3 plugins (filetype VST3) are always installed in a standard path you must not change.

2. You open your music software, in this case Samplitude, and go into the program settings where you need to add and scan the VST path you have chosen during the install.

3. The plugin becomes available after the scan has finished.

daflik wrote on 7/8/2022, 7:43 AM

Některé jsou pod : Comp/C/Program files/ Vst Plugin/Magix.

Některé pod : Comp./C/ Program files 86/VSTPlugin/Magix.

Kde najdu aktivační kódy?

SP. wrote on 7/8/2022, 8:06 AM

@daflik Aktivační kódy pro přístroje Magix Vita byly zaslány e-mailem. Pokud jste e-maily neuložili, musíte se obrátit na zákaznický servis a zjistit, zda vám je mohou znovu zaslat.


Activation codes for Magix Vita Instruments have been sent by email. If you have not saved the emails, you will need to contact customer service to see if they can resend them to you. 

daflik wrote on 7/9/2022, 3:51 AM

Nemůžu najít Zákaznický Servis. Pořád mně vodíte v kruhu. Například na Upright Bass, mám kódy už 3. Poslední z roku 2018.

daflik wrote on 7/9/2022, 4:07 AM

V mém účtu je možnost: Create Aktivační kód. Nefunguje.

SP. wrote on 7/9/2022, 4:29 AM

@daflik !!!-> <-!!!