Vegas 16 David-Lucas5693 wrote on 3/15/2021, 3:51 PM I bought Vegas 17 which would NOT work with my windows 7 64 bit operating system- will Vegas 16 work with my system and is it still available? Eric Kock from Sweetwater sent me... Back to post
Comments David-Lucas5693 wrote on 3/15/2021, 3:55 PM I need a video editing software that will work using mp4 files from my Samsung camcorder in my Windows 7 64 bit O.S. PATIENT-X wrote on 3/15/2021, 4:02 PM @David-Lucas5693 Hello, Welcome As this is an issue with Vegas Product Please make your way to Vegas Forum here David-Lucas5693 wrote on 3/15/2021, 4:13 PM Will Vegas 16 do what I need it to do? 1