Hi. I am using MEP 2016, and I am wondering if that program supports a variable bit rate mode? The reason why I am asking is because in my camcorder footage that I downloaded from my camera onto my computer and then loaded into Magix, the bit rate is variable, and the audio becomes out of sync with my video a few minutes in and gets progressively worse as the video goes on; it's about a half an hour long, so you can imagine how out of sync it is by the time it gets to the end of the video. This is frustrating because I am trying to post gameplay videos to You tube with my cam corder footage speaking over the video, and it is extremly tedious to keep fixing it with the video/audio offset in the program. That's not even a guarrantee because once it was fixed in the program with no sync issues, when I exported it to my computer, the sync issues were there. I have resorted to breaking the file into smaller chunks, exporting them, uploading the smaller chunks to You Tube, then joining them together in the video editor on You tube, but, as you can imagine, that is extremely time consuming.
Am I doing something wrong? Has anyone ever uploaded a video longer than say 12 or 15 minutes and had the video go out of sync with the audio, and if so, how did you fix it? There has to be an easier way. Right? After scouring for some answers, I came across a post here on the Magix forums that MEP 2014 and I believe 2015 do not like variable bit rates, but I didn't know if that applied to MEP 2016 or not. If so, how do I upload a video to MEP without a variable bit rate? How do I give it a fixed bit rate? All I did was just download the footage from my cam corder to my computer and then uploaded that right into the Magix program. Thanks for any and all help!