Using MEP's MXV files

Kami_1 wrote on 3/5/2013, 3:21 PM

Hi all.

I completed editing my set of November videos, and compiled them into a project.  Then I decided to take John's suggestion to export each video to an MXV file,  Okay .... I realize I should have done the exports first ... next time. 

The following is my experience with exporting the 16 videos (16 timelines in the project).

I first tried doing a Batch export.  3 and part of the 4 exported, then MEP crashed (one of those Error in Module... Access Violation messages).  So I did the rest individually.  Got three more done, then a crash.  Repeat.  MEP crashed crashed 4 or 5 times while doing the exports.

I looked at the MXV files which were created at the time of the crash on the timeline.  All the crashes occurred at about the same point in each video, at about 1 min. 12-13 seconds.

With the exports which crashed:  I loaded each 1 min.12-13 second long MXV file on the timeline, then exported the remaining video selected from that point to the end.  No problems doing that.

I finally had all my mxv's replaced on the timelines and even though I haven't worked the menus, did the Burn process.  That went smoothly and was significantly faster than rendering from the original mvp files (but not as fast as when I've used mpg files created by export (which can use the "smart rendering feature.").

If the menu design and final burn go okay, I'll do each export after completing the video.   Of course, I'm prone to making more cuts and fixes while designing the menus, but that's another story.

While it's not nearly as bad as crashing while rendering an entire project/DVD, I'd sure like to know why MEP was crashing during the exports at the same point.

Anyway, thanks John for this suggestion.


(Movie Edit Pro MX premium, V. 11.06.4; Windows 7, 64 bit; i7-920 processor; 12 GHz Ram; DirectX 11, Nvidia GTX 260.  Projects are standard 4x3.)


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