I have a 2k monitor and I find the UI has just become so small after the update. It was already tiny and now it's unbearable. Is there no way to increase the size of everything?
In Windows system, settings screen click on Display option from left side. Under Change the size of text, apps, and other items: 100% recommended, move the slider left or right to the DPI percentage you want to set for that display.
Or right-click the application, select Properties, select the Compatibility tab, and then select the Disable display scaling on high DPI settings check box.
In Windows 10 later versions, the text of the Disable display scaling on high DPI settings option is changed to Override high DPI scaling behavior, scaling performed by: Application.
Hi Patient-X, Thank you for your quick reply. Unfortunately the second suggestion didn't work for me. I saw that also in the knowledgebase. Would it be because I'm using Windows 11?
I can use a higher DPI in windows but for just this particular software, it seems like a hassle.