I am a US customer and I received an email offer to upgrade to Vegas Pro 20 for $80USD. When I followed the upgrade link and attempted to upgrade, the price had changed to €80, not $80USD. Is there a way to get the offered price?
When I click on the Upgrade button in the email I am redirected to: https://shop.vegascreativesoftware.com/de_DE/magix/basket/?_pA=92595xc379&_sT=vegas&_pOBS=true&sc_src=email_1327158&sc_lid=174737554&sc_uid=0TJqE3Qn6P&sc_llid=1406&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=mail&utm_campaign=2023_20_VGpro_vgedt_UPS_7_PID212444&utm_content=Upgrade+now&utm_term=en-US&emac=1&potrk=d1eb62c6b245fb13c86c83c5aceb9f9cad582dbde213d833c012cd2590616380&phash=DXDfJ9aECcwWflHT&sc_customer=######
My customer information fields populates with my correct United States data, although the State field does not populate and the HTML form placeholder is in German (Bitte wahlen Sie).