Upgrade Vegas Pro 20

Terrence-Joyce wrote on 5/27/2023, 11:23 AM

I am a US customer and I received an email offer to upgrade to Vegas Pro 20 for $80USD. When I followed the upgrade link and attempted to upgrade, the price had changed to €80, not $80USD. Is there a way to get the offered price?


SP. wrote on 5/27/2023, 11:42 AM

@Terrence-Joyce Is the site region set to United States? Is the address in your customer account in the United States?

Terrence-Joyce wrote on 5/27/2023, 12:49 PM

Maybe. I have been customer since Sony had Vegas, >10 years. All Magix purchases have been to the same US address.

When I look at my profile: https://www.vegascreativesoftware.com/us/support/service-center/
the information is mostly correct, except my title is displayed as Herr and not Mr, and my State (Minnesota) is missing from my address.

When I click on the Upgrade button in the email I am redirected to: https://shop.vegascreativesoftware.com/de_DE/magix/basket/?_pA=92595xc379&_sT=vegas&_pOBS=true&sc_src=email_1327158&sc_lid=174737554&sc_uid=0TJqE3Qn6P&sc_llid=1406&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=mail&utm_campaign=2023_20_VGpro_vgedt_UPS_7_PID212444&utm_content=Upgrade+now&utm_term=en-US&emac=1&potrk=d1eb62c6b245fb13c86c83c5aceb9f9cad582dbde213d833c012cd2590616380&phash=DXDfJ9aECcwWflHT&sc_customer=######

My customer information fields populates with my correct United States data, although the State field does not populate and the HTML form placeholder is in German (Bitte wahlen Sie).


SP. wrote on 5/27/2023, 1:19 PM

@Terrence-Joyce Ok, I would recommend you contact sales support at infoservice@magix.net

It looks like they send you an incorrect link. Changing de_DE to en_US doesn't seem to work for me.

On the other hand, you still might be able to get the $80 price if you manually put the upgrade into the online basket. Maybe try that first.

Terrence-Joyce wrote on 5/27/2023, 1:34 PM

Thank you. I will do that.