Upgrade to 17?

Daniel-Brady wrote on 3/22/2023, 12:28 AM

I recently purchased and installed the newest SoundForge Version 16. In the e-mail confirming my purchase and giving my Serial Number, I was instructed to hang on to the Serial Number, as I would be able to use it to get a Free Upgrade to Version 17, when it is released. Now, whenever I open the program, I am getting a pop-up window, advertising Version 17. But when I visit the website, the only option I see is for purchasing it. I see no option for the Free Upgrade that was promised to existing Users. Can anyone help with this? Does anyone know where/how to get that Free Upgrade, using the existing Serial Number to qualify for it?


SP. wrote on 3/22/2023, 2:36 AM

@Daniel-Brady Please contact sales support at infoservice@magix.net

xman_charl wrote on 3/23/2023, 11:44 AM

my upgrade experience:


sf 16 suite is registered

went to magix site for upgrade

download soundforgeaudiostudio17_dim_eh0pxa.exe

that file downloads stuff from magix for installation

confused when installing, as window keeps going and going...

select cancel

next familiar sf install window pops up...

so some how sf 17 suite got installed

what a mess !!

SF 17 suite is now working okay




john_barr wrote on 3/24/2023, 12:08 PM

It's not worth upgrading to version 17, it has the same issues as version 16.

TR_Mala wrote on 3/24/2023, 12:40 PM

Does this method work on Sound Forge Pro 365? I used the update feature on version 16.1 but it said there were no updates.

SP. wrote on 3/24/2023, 12:43 PM

@TR_Mala Download and install the demo version of SF17 and unlock it with your 365 serial number.

Daniel-Brady wrote on 3/27/2023, 12:32 AM

I do not have 365. I only have Soundforge 16. When I purchased it, Magix said the Serial Number would work for a free upgrade to 17. I just downloaded Version 17, and entered the Serial Number to activate it, and it didn't work. So now what? If only a 365 Serial Number would work, then why didn't they tell me?

The big question, though, is this: Whenever I open Soundforge 16, I get a full-screen pop-up ad for version 17. How do I get that damn thing to stop popping up?

SP. wrote on 3/27/2023, 2:46 AM

@Daniel-Brady If you bought SF16 including a free upgrade to SF17 you should get an e-mail with your new serial number from customer support. In my experience this can take up to two or three weeks after a new version was released. And the e-mail just looks like a generic newsletter, so it can happen that you might easily delete it as spam.

I would suggest you contact sales support at infoservice@magix.net and ask them for your new serial number.

I think there should be a gear icon in the pop up where you can disable the advertisement.