Google Translator:
I upgraded the Music Maker 2021 to MM2022 on a PC. The upgrade took place directly in the running application (free version) I have the full version on NTB. The upgrade went well, the program works, but I can't get to the installation or the serial number. There is only the full version of MM 2021 in the MY PRODUCT folder. If you can help me with this, I will be grateful. Well thank you
Slovak original :
( Spravil som na PC upgrade Music Maker 2021 na MM2022. Upgrade prebehlo priamo v spustenej aplikacii (free verzia) Plnu verziu mam na NTB. Upgrade prebehla v poriadku, program funguje, ale neviem sa dostat k instalacii ani k seriovemu cislu. V priecinku MY PRODUCT je iba plna verzia MM 2021. Ked mi viete s tymto pomoct, budem vam vdacny. Dakujem)