I began using Magix audio programs almost 20 years ago eventually wrote about them and was given downloads for Samplitude 10 and 11 and after writing extensively about their strength and foregoing all other audio recording software began buying almost everything you had available from Music Maker version 14 - to I believe 2015 also purchasing an upgrade to Samplitude 11 at a local store, actually in Toronto - Samplitude Pro X Suite version one. That store closed, but I want to update to version 6 but I want a box with discs like last time, however I am also constantly receiving offers for S Pro X 6 Suite on 2 different machines - I operate 5 computers - and they range from $200 - $350 depending, so I am interested in upgrading with discs at the $200 but for a W 10 machine, as W 7 is no longer supported. Also I am about to try various Video programs for use with Youtube.
I had a previous membership which was associated with a different email and address, the email being Removed by moderator now closed for years and my previous address was in at Removed by Moderator
Is there a place I can do business with in order to avoid just downloads and retaining the fact I have been a customer for over 15 years.
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