Update Service not updating

Pauly13 wrote on 3/4/2022, 3:32 AM

The Update Service notification keeps appearing - I accept to make changes and it instantly goes away, seeming to have done nothing and within a few seconds to a minute it re-appears and asks to update again. It has not stopped for 2 weeks and I looked for anything under Options (like turning off offers to upgrade the software itself) but it never stops.


rraud wrote on 3/4/2022, 11:18 AM

hi @Pauly13, just uninstall it, It is a separate companion app to SF and focked up anyway
See this thread

Pauly13 wrote on 3/4/2022, 11:28 AM

rraud: I did as you said and cannot fund "update Notifier" anywhere - I do see the three Magix programs I have but not a separate listing for Update Notifer. Where do I look if I can't see a listing for it? Thank you

Herrey wrote on 5/8/2022, 3:23 AM

My solution was to rename the file Service_rel_u_x64_vc16.exe in the Sound Forge Audio Studio/UPS map. No messages anymore!