I just recieved a Software Update yesterday, performed update. Now, I am getting a black background on my titles I cannot seem to figure out how to get it off.
By "Make Magix create the thumbnails for all the captions" do you just mean preview the timeline? (Either by selecting successive objects, manually scrolling, or playing from some point.)
Any reason why you made 10 (presumably different?) captions before staring the doubling? Why not a single caption then double say 8 times to create 256? Was your test free of gaps, unllike your original?
We can forget my longshot of the number of tracks as a factor; I tested 4, 16, 32 with no apparent difference.
I reproduced your test but had much more inconsistent results than you. No single rule like your '175 limit'. And on opening the same test project again it gave different results.
BTW I'm still puzzled why there are three different colours for the effects objects in your project?
So, an interesting puzzle that's preoccupied me for more hours than it should have done! But I'll drop it now and await the small possibility that we might get an explanation from Magix.
EDIT: Meanwhile as a fix that seems to work for me I made my own text effect after converting the badly behaving TGA to a PNG and then making a special text effect. In more detail:
1. Convert that TGA, in my case C:\ProgramData\MAGIX\Movie Edit Pro 2016 Premium\Titles\Lowerthird\neutral15_wide.tga to a new file in PNG format, preserving the transparent layer (I used PaintShop Pro): C:\ProgramData\MAGIX\Movie Edit Pro 2016 Premium\Titles\Lowerthird\My_Neutral15_wide.png
2. Open a new project and place a title of the type, format, size and position required.
3. Drag the new PNG above it and group the pair.
4. Use Save as special effect... to roll your own.
Then use that in future instead of the buggy one under discussion.
Note: My preference was to re-position the effect a little lower than the original.
Yes Terry, I just preview and scroll the timeline. I made 10 the same, then 20, 40, and so on. I dont think it should matter how, but I did leave small and big gaps and numbered every 20 with the caption text to make counting easier. It always fails around 175 (to 180). I save the project with expansion so about 20 captions including tghe first visible. Then open the project and view them in order to count where the first failure is. It seems reproducible to me. I was trying different background colours but to no effect if there's an image behind! Ignore the background colour (so weed out what offends thee). I'm very happy to leave for a while as have gardening to do, but quite willing to help resolve if I can. Lets see what official response we get ... if any!
"I've submitted a formal support request to Magix, referring them to this section of this thread, and received the standard reply:
"A confirmation email should have already been sent to you. Your request will be reviewed as soon as possible by a MAGIX representative. We aim to answer all requests within 2 business days. In the meantime, there is no need to raise further requests, we will be in contact shortly."
In many years I've never had such a prompt response as that suggests, but maybe this will be the first!"
Well, no surprise, nine days and not a word from Magix Support, either here or to me directly.
An interesting puzzle that had me spending a lot of time testing this on my laptop -Windows 10 1703, Intel i5 using the integrated GPU for HWA and display acceleration, 8GB RAM and using proxy files for imported AVCHD 1920*1080i video.
. . . . I made 10 the same, then 20, 40, and so on.. . . . It always fails around 175 (to 180). I save the project with expansion so about 20 captions including the first visible. Then open the project and view them in order to count where the first failure is. It seems reproducible to me. . . . .
I cannot reproduce the issue despite going up to a mix of 500 image/video objects totalling 500 on one track and 500 title objects on a lower track made in the same way as you have detailed.
Have monitored how much free space you have on the NVMe drive when loading up the project with images and video and you hit the limit you are experiencing?
I also tested the project you initially uploaded and had no issues with it it worked correctly on every load, no error messages, missing colours or file errors.
In your computer spec you make no mention of the processer model number or the graphics card / chipset you are using ie the i7's integrated GPU or a third party graphics card.
That's intriguing and might get me back on the case, against my better instincts!
Although I could not reproduce john-m33's results exactly or consistently, I definitely did get very similar behaviour. [What does this site find wrong with my spelling of that last word?]
"I also tested the project you initially uploaded..."
Can you say which of john-m33's projects that was please, as there has been some ambiguity. Maybe john-m33 will rejoin the discussion.
I've just tried that again and still get the sort of behaviour (OK, USA = behavior) as john-m33. For example, within the first few captions I get this:
That was using MEPP 2016 but here's an example from MEPP '2017' (
The 'project' I ran was 2018 Seville.MVD from the extracted zip I uploaded 15th May:
"I've submitted a formal support request to Magix, referring them to this section of this thread, and received the standard reply:
"A confirmation email should have already been sent to you. Your request will be reviewed as soon as possible by a MAGIX representative. We aim to answer all requests within 2 business days. In the meantime, there is no need to raise further requests, we will be in contact shortly."
In many years I've never had such a prompt response as that suggests, but maybe this will be the first!"
Well, no surprise, nine days and not a word from Magix Support, either here or to me directly.
Hi Terry,
It's all my fault. I submitted a ticket on May 6, added info on May 7 and have only received automated replies. I should have warned you to never get in line behind me, I'm jinxed.
As I indicated, I had the same problem in VPX, but it went away after restarting the program. I tried a couple of times after that but couldn't replicate the problem, but it did definitely happen.
Hi John. In answer to your question I have a i7-6700K and no Graphic card as the i7 has its own GPU with MSI PC Mate and Intel H170 chipset (needed for NVMe). I have tonnes of free space and memory.
Hi Terry. Thanks for the tip on making a custom caption. It would be a good idea to have it lower down too. Unfortunately I dont have Photoshop and although I can edit and convert it with Magix Photo Designer I dont seem to be able to keep the gradient background transparant as a PNG (or TGA) file. Hopfully Magix will sort this out, as a have a few exported movies that need redoing! If you have a converted PNG files that I can use I could try that out. Otherwise, I'll have to smake smaller exports
Of course, you can simply place it on the timeline between your caption and the background. But I use it by placing it here: C:\ProgramData\MAGIX\Movie Edit Pro 2016 Premium\Titles\Lowerthird\My_Neutral15_wide.png I've also uploaded the TFX here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0ya1zd5yw3mx0d6/MyNeutral12.TFX?dl=0 and by default after creation it gets placed here: C:\ProgramData\MAGIX\Movie Edit Pro 2016 Premium\Titles\Standard\MyNeutral12.TFX
So I'd try that arrangement first.
Here's my example:
John CB: I agree with you about that white line. Maybe I'll make an option without it sometime.
Thanks for your help last month @terrypin. I'm now using your suggested workaround with custom captions and PNG files. In future though, I'll keep the movies short (like chapters of a DVD), which is also be better for streaming and navigation. No fix from Magix then!
Thank GOD for this forum! I'm using MAGIX MEP 17.01.xxx for the last couple of years on a crappy core 2 duo win 10x machine (4gb ram) with an nvidia card, and had a ton of these title backgrounds changing to black all over the place in a 2 minute promo video. We're talking two weeks worth of serious work.
The renditions always failed. The black title backgrounds kept showing up! And they were random as well. This is not Magix fault, it is the drivers for the video hardware.
I did what was originally suggested.. turned of hardware ANYTHING acceleration, and wala!!! It freaking worked! Thank God!
The result is a beautiful video promo! I've been using Magix MEP for more than 10 years, since edition 11! It's the best deal out there BY FAR! After getting this figured out tonight, I'm gonna go do the upgrade to the latest version! I'm just thrilled with this product!
Thank you for updating this thread with confirmation that the workaround was successful for you.
You say you are going to update; I think that will be a good idea since the latest version,, is 2 full versions "newer" and I don't remember seeing this problem being mentioned by anyone using a later version than yours. I may be wrong!!
Just a vanilla update. I've tried Video: "Standard Mode", "MS Basic Render", Hardware accelleration off, default codex (Oand restart program). I still get the black background (and then no background) problem after 160 or so caption renditions: E.g in a 5 movie project, the captions fail in the 4th movie, but if I go straight to movie 4 and previerw or export its ok. It appears to be running out of memory! I have an Intel i7 processor (dont need a graphics card), so I doubt it is graphics drivers at fault.
I recall that a mere week or so after my bug report it was highly unlikely we’d see any fix from MAGIX. So 18 months later and several more recent versions later, with their own set of bugs...
Presumably these particular issues don’t arise in the latest version though?
Thank you for updating this thread with confirmation that the workaround was successful for you.
You say you are going to update; I think that will be a good idea since the latest version,, is 2 full versions "newer" and I don't remember seeing this problem being mentioned by anyone using a later version than yours. I may be wrong!!
Jeff Forum Moderator
Thanks. Having been a user of MEP17 for 2 years now what really got me when producing videos is that even though I have a crap machine, I do have a really up to date nvidia video card as the box was primarily used for FSX. The previews in situ were always coming and going with jerking around, stalling, etc. I never thought to search out the issue and just dealt with it.
Plus, whenever it was doing the mix-down, it would indicate that hardware acceleration was not being used (???).
So once I turned off the acceleration in the settings, the previews are actually much smoother now. A little off-ish, but much more viewable than they were previously.
For instance, there was virtually no way to play this particular complete video (prior to mixdown) in the editor, without the video stalling out constantly. (Really short and fast moving/changing video clips, I'm talking in a 2:20 video, over 180 video and title objects - I know I was pushing this machine's limits).
It's just interesting to me to find out all I had to do was turn off h/w acceleration, and the editor becomes much more usable as well. Then again mix-down took about 40 percent longer for 1080 vid, but who cares! It works! Thanks Folks!
Are you opening up multiple video projects at the same time? If you're working with a four or five part video series at once, you may want to open them up only one at a time.
@BDMan-Traveler-3468 I use projects (one at a time) with mutliple short movies (like DVD chapters), as I only stream. My work-around is to only work on one movie at a time (i.e. not switch between movies within a project), but another work-around is to have custom captions made with PNG files. I'm still using MEP 2016+ so dont expect a fix from Magix, but would be interested to know if and when it ever does get fixed in later versions. I doubt this had anything to do with video drivers, more likely a memory or buffer overflow within MEP.
It would help us to help you if you put your computer specifications in your signature - see this topic for details required.
This tutorial here details a way of creating multi movie projects for disc minimising the strain, and running out of memory, on the PC, although written for an earlier version of MEP the principles are still the same for the latest versions, do note however that you do need plenty of free space on your hard drives.
It would help us to help you if you put your computer specifications in your signature - see this topic for details required.
This tutorial here details a way of creating multi movie projects for disc minimising the strain, and running out of memory, on the PC, although written for an earlier version of MEP the principles are still the same for the latest versions, do note however that you do need plenty of free space on your hard drives.
John EB
Forum Moderator
It's an old box John, but when I bought it a couple of years ago, I wanted something newer that would run flight simulator. Seeing as that software was old as hell, it was a simple thing to me. I paid 40 bucks for it, installed an updated invidia video card, and had awesome results. It's a core 2 duo thing with 4 gb memory. Kind of a half breed thing. Never expected much out of it though. Windows is not my thing any more. I'm a linux guy. If Magix could port their work to Linux, I would happily become a customer at the $500 level for sure. The quality of Magix, is beyond anything I've ever seen.
This is just crazy. My piece of junk windows 10 box (off lease dell with 4gb mem and a core 2 duo jeep) went through the latest update. I was getting black backgrounds with text again! Even with the hardware acceleration turned off everywhere! The only thing that worked to fix it was to turn hardware acceleration back on! Reallly!?!??! I'm dumbfounded with this. MEP 17. When I get the money, I will upgrade. Latest production is here, https://vimeo.com/363596468 I'm just glad it processed out. MEP is the best. But windoze is killing us all!