Unable to delete the empty Blank, Black space after the video?

srisudarshan wrote on 6/7/2012, 3:07 AM

I have a video shots for 1 hour 57 mts; When I play, the video does not stop at the end position; It runs blank screen for another 1 hour plus. I followed the procedures listed the previous questions and answers and as per it, followed the instructions. ie: I selected the range beyond the live video and then, using Alt+Del, deleted the empty range. Saved the file and re opened it, still the empty space continues or problem continues.

I cut the empty space and moved as a new movie to some how get rid of this problem. Whatever the gimmick methods, I am adopting to my knowledge, the problem continues.

Question 2) Will this empty space be real reason for the slow encoding of my videos? i am unable to burn the videos?



emmrecs wrote on 6/8/2012, 4:16 AM

Just to be clear; when you say the video does not stop at the end, is this in Timeline view (in which case this is normal) or does it happen after you export the video?

To expand a little on this: at the "end" of the movie on the Timeline MEP or VPX will continue to "play", even if there are no further video or audio objects.  However, if there are any additional objects of any kind considerably further along the timeline (even "out of sight") when you export the video it will continue to play, and export, the "blank" footage..

So perhaps a little more detail, please.

Last changed by emmrecs on 6/8/2012, 4:16 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Win 11 Pro 64 bit, Intel i7 14700, 32 GB RAM, NVidia RTX 4060 and Intel UHD770 Graphics, MOTU 8-Pre f/w audio interface, VPX, MEP, Music Maker, Vegas Pro, PhotoStory Deluxe, Photo Manager Deluxe, Xara 3D Maker 7, Samplitude Pro X7 Suite, Reaper, Adobe Audition 3, CS6 and CC, 2 x Canon HG10 cameras, 1 x Canon EOS 600D, Akaso EK7000 Pro Action Cam

srisudarshan wrote on 6/8/2012, 4:26 AM

In timeline view , it happens to go beyond the end of the movie but again, stops after running black footage for an hour plus.  It does not run indefinite time. In my example, the movies go for 1hr 57 mts and after that black footage stops at 3 hours 08 minutes 20 sec..10 frames kind etc., ie: Somewhere, some calculations are done. 

Even after the deletion of the empty space after the movie, the footage goes and stops exactly at 3 hours 08 mts.. etc., Any saving of the movie, closing of the program does not yield the result at a precise position of movie ending. 

ON export: It stops at the movie end.


zagcarlos wrote on 9/12/2012, 1:00 AM

Dear MAGIX user,      12 Sept  2012.

When you Save a movie people usualy are just Saving the Project file. This file is very small and "tells" MAGIX what to do with the data, make the sound louder, make the picture/video brighter, cut what pieces out etc.

The big .VOB file that is written to a DVD disc will do what you want BUT..... the simpler way without making a DVD movie disc is EXPORT. This is under File/Export/...sound video etc.

You select the part you want, if you have cut some start or end ----- using Alt+Del, deleted the empty range. Saved the file and re opened it, st-----  Export that selected part only. You have options of SaveAs/Export  as AVI, MOV and MPG2 etc.

Time to Encode/Render could take hours for 1 to 3 hours of data.


Question 2) Will this empty space be real reason for the slow encoding of my videos? i am unable to burn the videos?

Yoy must explain more clearly. Burn/Write is done in the third "Burn" mode. This works very well so what are you doing?

