Two videos, one above the other

Periplex wrote on 7/8/2012, 8:02 PM


I've been asked to produce a video of two different people performing the same sequence of events, so that both videos are on screen at the same time, one above the other. At a pinch side-by-side would do, but much prefer one above the other.

The videos are of two different people performing the same martial arts Kata, which is a series of predefined steps. The purpose is to be able to compare the two simultaneously.

Is this possible with Movie Edit Pro MX plus?

Thank you for your time.


cpc000cpc wrote on 7/8/2012, 9:03 PM


Just a couple of simple steps! First place your two clips onto the timelines one above the other. If they have attached audio track you can either ungroup and delete or simply mute them.

Magix displays 'looking up' through the tracks so an object on a lower one (higher number)  will appear in front of and possibly completely hiding the one above (lower number track) Select the front clip and go to the 'Effects' tab >> 'Movement effects' >> 'Size and position' where you can move it where you want by dragging on it in the preview window. The second clip can be moved in the same way. If you decide to only use part of each of the clips then use 'Movement effects' >> Section and zoom' as well.

If the two Kata don't exactly match time wise, apply your effects first and then make cuts as needed to sync the two clips move for move. In this way each part will have the same applied effects.




Periplex wrote on 7/10/2012, 7:24 PM


Thank you -- got it sorted out now.