there is no display on the monitor in Movie Edit Pro 17 Plus hd

george3aerfershi wrote on 12/31/2012, 4:57 PM

I have instaled, (from new) MEP 17 Plus but I can't get a display on the in program monitor.

I am using a LifeView FlyTV Platinum TV tuner. My operating system is WINDOWS VISTA.

The software I am using is Movie Edit Pro 17 Plus.



There is a display when I use the TV tuner to watch TV chanels, but only if I select RGB 555 16 bit

I have tryed to select this while using MEP 17 plus but I get an error mesage saying that  RGB 555

is not available


gandjcarr wrote on 12/31/2012, 6:46 PM


Are you trying to use your tv or the built in monitor in the software?  Then, what "screen settings" are you using within MEP?  Finally, what does your TV tuner have to do with what you are trying to view using Mep?


george3aerfershi wrote on 1/3/2013, 10:09 AM


Thank you for responding to my request for help with my display problem. I have fiddled with the display settings and managed to resolve the problem (I hope).

Ref Your Query: "What does your TV tuner have to do with what you are trying to view using MEP".

To clarify. My answer is : Nothing.  I was trying to indicate that as I had to sellect the RGB 555 16bit setting on the TV tuner may be that would have to be done to get a display in MEP!

Regards and Thank's again

George E A

gandjcarr wrote on 1/3/2013, 12:02 PM

Hi George,

Thank you for letting me/us know that you have solved the problem, and congratulations to you for solving it.  If the questions that I asked helped you get to the answer, that is good.  The way I see it, you solved it on your own, so kudos to you.  This is really how it is supposed to work, we put out ideas, you read them and then solve the problem.  I cannot think of a better outcome than a fellow user solving their own problem.

Congratulations, you have now graduated from not being able to solve the problem to a sophisticated user who can work through his or her own problem.  I am very proud of you!

Good Luck,
