Assuming you are trying to download the program from your account it is possible that Windows defender could be blocking the download as well. You need to turn off any virus monitoring on your computer but don't have any other webpages open while downloading. It is also a good idea to add any of the programs folders to the exceptions to scanning list on any antivirus program you may be running.
As a last result you can try to download the trial version and activate that to a full version using your activation code.
If so then it may be that the program needs to use a processor that has hyper-threading capabilities and the Intel Celeron N5095 does not support hyper-threading.
To make sure I would contact Magix directly at and ask.
While the Magix Movie Studio specs page does not mention that a processor needs to have hyper-threading I see the program make full use of it on my system and it is the only thing I can find that may be a problem. Also while the the MMS page does not specify a particular Intel processor, the VPX page does. While the two programs have slightly different needed specifications to run, they both use the same base Infusion engine, hence my suspicions. I could be wrong hence the need to contact Magix.
If you can post the error message to the forum for someone here to see, they may know what that error message means as I am at present guessing as to what the problem may be, but also make contact with Magix directly with the email address I give above. It may take just over a week for them to get back to you.
I have installed a new hard drive on my personal computer and want to now download this program, which I have already paid for (purchased 9/11/23). How can I now do this?
Make sure your program has been deactivated by logging into your Magix account where you registered your program and then download it from your account.