System crashing stanley-battle wrote on 4/4/2020, 6:54 PM Every 5 minutes my system crashes... i just installed a update and ever since my system crashes constantly. Back to post
Comments SP. wrote on 4/5/2020, 6:13 AM This sounds like massive driver problems. You should check your audio drivers and try updating them also, if they aren't up to date. Also check if your installation of Windows is updated. johnebaker wrote on 4/5/2020, 2:18 PM @stanley-battle Hi Without more information we would be guessing as to what the issue may be. See this topic for the information required regarding your computer s[specification, Windows version and Music Maker version. Also include what was on the timeline, what you were doing at the time of the crash and any error messages you received. John EBForum Moderator stanley-battle wrote on 4/6/2020, 8:03 AM Thanks guys! the windows update fixed the issue. Appreciate the responses. 1