It appears you can no longer contact support. I get a loop which just sends me back to the articles and forums.
Sound Forge Pro 15 was supposed to offer better metadata tools. In fact, it's worse.
Before, I could call up a batch preset, change the relevant bits, and set it to encode. The updated changes would be saved to the new files and the metadata for the file would be updated.
Now, the old batch data is saved into the new encodes, the file's metadata is not updated, you have to retype the batch name to save it (instead of just overwriting), and it closes the file without asking to.
Yes, I already use MP3Tag to add additional metadata like blurb, cover pic, website. When the advertising boasted of better metadata tagging, I thought maybe they would include that. Instead, they offer NOTHING new, and it doesn't even work without a convoluted and more complex method. (You have to open the batch, update the metadata, close the batch, resaving the update, typing in the same name, then open the batch again before running the job.) And if I want the metadata in the file, I guess I need to go back and enter that in separately. Awful.
I am sorely disappointed in the latest updates, and believe that Magix has falsely advertised their product.
This is only one of my complaints; one other is the crazy way in which you can no longer save a new file without leaving an unsaved file open. Just insane. Why must I create yet another new file to save the new file I'm working on? And then I have to tell it yes, I want to open it. And then I have to close the still unsaved file without saving it. Utterly, utterly bizarre!
There are other complaints I'd like to voice, too, but I'd really like to voice them to Magix, not just on the user forum, if I could.
I've been a user of Sound Forge Pro since before Sony. I don't think I'll be buying future updates. Instead, I'll probably be going back to version 14. I'd really like my money back for this version.