Soundpools not give sound after it moved to the edit section

novak-tamas wrote on 5/20/2018, 11:35 AM

When I'm at the Soundpools section and I click on an instrument and then on a sound it plays the preview, but after I moved it to the editing section, and I start the playing, it doesn't give any sound, and if I try to play the instrument preview again, it not give sound. Sometimes it works, but just with one sound, after i put an another sound to the editing section that will not give sound, just the first one. But it's not happen often, usually none of them give any sound. How can I fix this? Please help


juanmantovar wrote on 5/20/2018, 5:53 PM

I have the same problem after moves or used that sample with other program. I have the problem from the version music maker premium 2014, version 2015, Music maker Premium (version 2016 and version 2017).

I want use those samples again and I don't know I use again with the music maker after moved that sample or used with other music program.