Soundforge 15 crashes

BMorris wrote on 9/6/2021, 7:49 AM

I’m recording audio from my Scarlett 6i6 2nd Gen into my PC and all is good.

But once stop and save the audio it re-renders to about 30 seconds of silence and if I minimise the program and then bring it back up it crashes. So basically if I don’t save the audio first it will be lost. On restarting it asks if I want to recover my lost audio but it’s an unrecognised format so I can’t. My file is safe but everytime I record I have to prepare for a crash.


rraud wrote on 9/6/2021, 9:32 AM

What audio format are you saving the files as? PCM should be used in most cases.
Is the behavior the same when using a different interface or soundcard for record and PB. I recall a few reports of issues with the Scarlet interface before, try searching this forum and the internet in general.

btw, eelcome to the Magix Sound Forge users forum @BMorris, you should also state which version of Sound Forge 15 (AS or Pro) you are using .. Read the 'Sticky'