song segment names

johnietoth wrote on 6/23/2012, 3:51 PM

I added a screen shot to show what I was refering to.

When you use song maker (I am using MMMX) you selct the components and then on the top of the arramger field right below the BARS there is a field for naming parts of the song, intro-verse1-chorus, etc. I for the life of me can not see how to insert when I make something from scratch. Am i missing something? I can not believe you can only have them when you use song maker





I like the fact that you can use it to help organize your music. I found out how to do it however if anyone cares. Just use SM to create a song, delete the tracks and the segments names remain. then you can move them arond and rename them.



nihon94 wrote on 6/24/2012, 8:06 AM

Giving example from MMM 16 Premium and using two screen shots.

Look at the above screen shots you will see some text written on each objects.

Now look at the second screen shot

You will see your ID.

If this is what you are asking, add text as you want, then you can also do it in your soft.

What ever audio files you make, export one track at a time and give a name and you will see that on the exported audio file. That is all. Those exported files can be used later.

If the above method is not suitable in your version of Music Maker then sorry.





smartsmurf wrote on 6/24/2012, 12:43 PM

Of course the parts of a track can be shown when you using the songmaker... well, the SM is creating a song with set elements...

It's not possible to add these information when you producing from scratch... and why should it..?

When you produce a track (samples or MIDI, don't matter...) you hear your work several (hundred) times when work is in progress...

...and you will know where all the parts of your track are.


nihon94 wrote on 6/24/2012, 9:55 PM

It means, in MMMX Magix has added a new feature, if I am not wrong, it could be a guide tool for song making. When we make a song it is normally based on following:

Intro (8Bars) 1.Verses(8+8Bars) 1.Chorus(8Bars) 2.Verses(8+8Bars) 2.Chorus(8Bars) 3.Verses(short beat 8bars) Bridge (8Bars) 3.Chorus(16Bars) Outro(not more than 8Bars).

Therefore, after reading your question and looking at the screen shot, I think that is for guide purpose. It will be easier to compose music by following those guide line. And as Smartsmurf has said, could not be possible to add those information.




nihon94 wrote on 6/25/2012, 9:30 AM

Thank you for pdf file.

Also note, some features in MMMX song maker are new and I think they are great.

According to PDF of MMMX on page 233 it says:

1. Activate the Song Maker by pressing the “Song Maker” button or from the
Effects menu.
2. Select a music style.
3. Select the instruments that you want to use. If, for example, you only want a
rhythm section with drums and bass, deactivate the other instruments with
a mouse-click.
4. Select the song part or parts that you want to create. The parts differentiate
through their harmonic structure and instrument density, for example verses
have fewer instruments than refrains, while there are accompaniment
variations between the 1st and 2nd verses as well as in the refrains. The
pitch sequence from verse to verse remains the same. If you activate all
parts, Song Maker creates a complete song in the known structure of a
classical pop song. The intro-verse-refrain-verse-refrain-bridge-(transition or
5. Use the sliders to the right to set the speed and the length of your song.
6. "Chaos" draws a different loop of the corresponding instrument for each
new object. Normally, the same loop is continuously used in various pitches
for each element of the song such as verse, chorus etc.b If you use
"Automatic", a new song in a randomly generated style will be created
automatically, as soon as a song has been played.
7. Use the play button to preview the song maker's suggestion. If you do not
like the result, create other arrangements, song parts or enhancements.
You can return to a previous status anytime by clicking on "Undo" or
8. Once you're happy with Song Maker's suggestion, click on "Apply". The
building blocks are only now added to the Arranger. Alternatively, you can
recalculate the Song Maker suggestion into a WAV file. A click on “Cancel”
closes Song Maker and returns to the original arrangement status.

I have marked the number 4 intentionally because this the place you have been talking about. After reading the pdf I think, you could not add text rather you can choose the part you want song maker to create. Such as, Intro, verses or chorus etc. In the Pdf I did not find how to select the part? but try this, put cursor on such as Intro, chorus or else then right click may be you find a menu. Or check the Menu Bar, File or View may be you can find settings.

Hope the above information may be helpful.

johnietoth wrote on 6/25/2012, 5:30 PM

oh, and with regards to what smartsmurf said

"It's not possible to add these information when you producing from scratch... and why should it..?"


My thing is why shouldn't it? Other music programs have this basic functionality built in. (FL Studio for example)

krasi_petev wrote on 6/10/2014, 11:52 AM

I'm running MM2014 Premium. Naming song sections has been on my mind lately and, after reading the replies to your post, I found a solution. 

First, you have to know (a) how many sections your song has, (2) how many bars each section has. Then, go to Effects --> Song Maker.  The Song Maker window appears. Select a style (it doesn't matter which one), select one instrument (it doesn't matter which one), select the song sections you want (called "components" in MM2014 Premium), leave tempo at 120 bpm, leave Phrase length to Medium, and do not check boxes Chaos and Generate under "Variation Form". 

Now, click "Create song".  A track is laid in the arranger view, with all song sections (each in different color) labeled under the orange bar marker.  Click "Apply".  The Song Maker window disappears.  Now select the track and delete it.  The song sections remain. 

Luckily, the song sections are not set in stone.  They can be shortened or made longer.  Simply hover the cursor at the end of, say, Verse1 (make sure the cursor is closer to the top left or right corner), and the cursor changes to two arrows (<-->).  Drag left or right to shorten the section or make it longer, depending on the number of bars your songs has in that section. 

When all sections are adjusted and match the structure of your song, change the tempo to match your song's tempo, and start recording.  Of course, do not forget to save the song file.  That's it.