SMPWrapper.dll crash

yanivez wrote on 7/10/2012, 6:53 PM



I read in this forum that somebody else had this problem.

The answer that he got to delete files.

I did it and it not work, the Magix crashed in export process and I not able to export the files.

I did uninstall and install again the Magix, and it not help.

I have experience with MAGIX, I could make export till 2 days before.


What now?




john-auvil wrote on 7/11/2012, 8:26 AM

I found this answer in a previous issue with the error you are having, maybe it will help. As for myself, I have not seen this error before, but I would be curious if any of these steps have helped out.


johnebaker says:


Unfortunately It is the crash log not the crash dump we need, to see what is going on.

I would suspect that somewhere on the timeline is an object which is causing the problem, trying to isolate will be difficult if there are a lot of clips, audio files etc.

Try this:

1.  Create a new project

2.  Use File, Open project and open the project which is causing the problem - a dialog box will pop up - click Add new project

3.  Select all the objects (Ctrl + A) on the timeline and then copy them (Ctrl + C)

4.  Click the little movie reel below the preview monitor and select the movie created in 1 - this will switch you to the empty movie timeline

5.  Paste (Ctrl + V) the copied object to the empty timeline

6.  Click the little movie reel below the preview monitor and switch back to the 'defective' movie timeline

7.  From the menu select File, Manage Movies, Remove from project

You should now have a new movie project with all the files copied from the 'defective' one, save this with a new name and try burning again.

