Anyone know a neat way to do the following please, within MEP?
1. Adjust multiple objects A, B, C, etc of various shapes and sizes so that they look OK when centralised individually in the monitor. In practice my immediate requirement is for about 20 objects, but I may well try it for many more.
2. I then want to see all of them move uniformly leftwards across the screen, just as if they were joined together. Ideally with an optional narrow gap betwwen them. I think it might also look OK to have the movement in bezier mode rather than linear, so that they sort of 'shunt' across. Possibly with short pauses in between.
For still images I suspect the easiest way would be to join them all in one very wide bitmap in an external image editor. And then just pan across or ise some other simple KFA. But I'd far prefer to be able to do it from MEP, directly after sizing and positioning each image.
The only approach I can think of is to calculate the start and end positions very carefully for each object (after the preliminary sizing and positioning) and then enter them manually into the KF dialog. Probably a spreadshhet job. I aim to try it tomorrow but meanwhile would appreciate any other ideas please.