1st Question: As I edit basketball plays to create nice mixes of highlights, I would like to know if there is a way that lets say I drag 50 files who has alphabetic order (3PT, 2PT,Assist,Steal,Dunk) and I want to make sure i dont put it by subject but just have some random shuffles to all the players's play. is there some ctrl+A that I can do on some and then it will be more of a flexible mix?
OR I just have to do it manually and drag different type of play from the pool to the time line, one by one.
2nd Question: lets say I have space of 5 sec between takes on the timeline between every take for like 30 takes, is there a 1-click merge it all together button instead of me doing ctrl+a to drag it close to eachother? like to have everything stuck together and I marked it in whie spots. how do I close all these 8 gaps with 1 click?
hope u get me.