Shows music there and playing but toward end stops playing sound

Renae-Mussachio wrote on 11/3/2021, 10:08 AM

Sound Forge Audio Studio 15 using on my Desktop running on Windows 10. The music will be playing perfectly and then out of nowhere it stops playing sound. Example: Recording is 39:15 long - we hear everything until sound stops around the 37:00 mark but music shows its there and playing. This typically happens after making a change to the original and re-saving it as another name. I have to resave as another name because too many times when I hit "save" it deletes big chunks of the original. Can anyone help with this issue? I am not tech savvy so dumb it down please for me. : )


rraud wrote on 11/3/2021, 11:57 AM

Hi and welcome to the Magix Sound Forge users community @Renae-Mussachio, if the file(s) are MP3 or other lossy format, try enabling the proxy option, which creates and loads a more reliable PCM format file. However, I am not certain this option exists in AS (Audio Studio) . In SF Pro, the "Always proxy compressed formats" option item is in the "Options> Preferences> General" menu, AS may (or may not) be similar.
Otherwise, try a different audio device type in "Options> Preferences> Audio". You may want to experiment with the playback buffer settings. If all else fails, try resetting SF and clearing the cache.

Renae-Mussachio wrote on 11/3/2021, 1:09 PM

Thank you so much @rraud for your very clear and easy to follow directions. It is an MP3 and Audio Studio 15 does have the enabling proxy option in the same location as you described in the SF Pro (thank goodness). I clicked that and had to also reset Sf and clear cache and it is working correctly now. I can't thank you enough! You are a life and time saver! : ) Have an awesome day. May you be blessed with health and abundance for your every want, desire and need today and always.

rraud wrote on 11/3/2021, 3:45 PM

You are welcome @Renae-Mussachio , I am glad to help, and thanks for the update. . It is good for folks to know that Sound Forge 'Audio Studio' has the Proxy option.