SF Pro 16 / Ozone 10

Roger-Petrey wrote on 1/12/2023, 3:40 PM

I just purchased an update for Sound Forge Pro 16 that included Izotope Ozone 10. I have installed and applied all current software licenses. Every time I attempt to use Ozone 10, the Ozone screen loads and begins analyzing sound but then the Sound Forge program terminates suddenly. I have seen it reported in September of 2022 that Sound Forge 16 had issues with VST3. Have those issues been resolved? If so, could I get some assistance making Ozone 10 work with SFP 16?


Dale Petrey


john_barr wrote on 1/12/2023, 6:39 PM

Hi, @Roger-Petrey

Sound Forge 16 has many issues with plugins and I don't think they will be fixed in this version. Perhaps the issues will be resolved in version 17.

rraud wrote on 1/13/2023, 10:15 AM

Some users have reverted to SFP-15 whilst waiting for the SFP-16 VST issues to be resolved.

Have you tried the VST-2 x64 version of Ozone 10? But that may be messed up in SFP-16 as well
Otherwise use SFP-15. If you do not have SFP-15, you could 'ask' Magix support for a SFP-15 activation key. Ozone10 Elements (VST 2 and 3) should work in SFP-15 and other VST host apps.

Roger-Petrey wrote on 1/13/2023, 10:27 AM

I think the Ozone 10 plug-in is crashing only when I use MP4 files as input. For my streaming process, I capture MKV and convert to MP4 where I process through Ozone for some mastering help before streaming. When I use WMV or MP3, Ozone 10 seems to work for me with SFP-16.

rraud wrote on 1/13/2023, 11:08 AM

For MP4 files which typically uses the AAC audio codec, try enabling "Always proxy compressed formats" in "Options> Preferences> General".
Though I am not sure it will help in the SFP-16 case.

Roger-Petrey wrote on 1/13/2023, 11:33 AM

I did add the proxy but Ozone 10 still crashes while processing the MP4. I guess my easy solution is to use another format while I wait for MP4 processing to be fixed. The proxy was certainly worth a try though.