SF Pro 13 won't initialize audio engine

Michael-Maninger wrote on 8/14/2021, 5:03 PM

I just purchased a copy of sound forge pro 13 from humble bundle and installed it but it won't start. I have re installed it several times no luck. It stalls when it tries to start the audio engine. I have sound forge studio 15 installed as well as acid pro 10 not sure if that mattes or not.


rraud wrote on 8/14/2021, 6:17 PM

I am not familiar with Humble Bundle versions and if, or how they differ from a Magix download.
Are getting any error massages? Does SF ask you for an activation code? Can you add any more specific details and screen-shots?

Different versions of Sound Forge and other Magix and Sony products normally coexist without issue.

btw, welcome to the Magix Sound Forge users forum @Michael-Maninger

Michael-Maninger wrote on 8/15/2021, 5:14 PM

Yea, I received an activation code and activated the software. It's strange when I went back and tried to open any of my Magix software none of it was working? so I un-installed all of it and installed another companies software then re installed Acid pro 10 and Sound Forge Pro 13 and they worked. I didn't re install Sound Forge Studio 15. Not sure what the problem was but now they work?

This is a new computer build:

Ryzen 3900X, 32 gig of ram, RTX 2060 super graphics card, Intensity Pro 4K, Sound Blaster Audigy FX, MSI motherboard, Win 10, M.2 1Ter, and a few hard drives. I don't have anything that is outlandish or strange. I hope it all continues to work.

Thank you for your reply.


rraud wrote on 8/15/2021, 7:03 PM

There is no major advantage in using SFP-15 (if that is what you have) over SFP-13 and I do not think the HumBungle version comes with the third-party (iZotope) plug-ins.