
XXMerosticXX wrote on 3/27/2009, 4:24 AM
Two possibilities:

In both cases you have to create the additional pages within your page manager. So, you got a "Start" page and a "News" page which is supposed to have more sites.

Now you also have to create the pages, you want to have...for example call them "News2" or "News3".

If you use a standard Website Maker navigation, these will appear within the navigation. You don't want this, so click on the navigation, choose "properties" on the left side and decide, which pages shall be hidden within the normal navigation (click on the eye symbol). You may take "News2" and "News3" out of the navigation.

And - as I said - now you got two possibilities:

Click on the page "News" to edit this one. Now you can insert a new navigation from the "objects" pool, which will only be shown within the "News" area. Best thing is, you can also set the properties for this navigation. So, click on the new "subnavigation", choose properties and hide the pages "Start" and "News", because you only want to have "News2" and "News3" as links.

Be aware of the fact, that every news subpage needs it's own subnavigation in this case.

Click on "News" to edit this page. Now you may insert a graphic or a text, like you said "Next page" , or an arrow which tells the user he can browse pages there.

Then click on the graphic / text (in case of text: also mark the text) and, again, choose properties.

You have a function called "Links" or something like that (I use the german version, sorry).

Choose "Internal link", and then choose "News2".

This has to be done for every page. For example:

- "News" has a "next page" linked with "News2"
- "News2" has a "next page" linked with "News3" and a "previous page" linked with "News"

...and so on.

I'd prefer the second way. Good thing is, you just have one navigation (without your subpages) and really can create somethin that feels like browsing through pages.
XXMerosticXX wrote on 3/27/2009, 5:30 AM
You're welcome ;)