SAME here i have to log in all the time i open my product that i purchased. I have all the details needed to be activated but i dont one to login all the time. this product has to be already activated since I payed already and my money is important as well the items i buy with my money THANK YOU!!!
@Jesse-Marquez Please try the following: open the program settings and click on the button to clean up the store. This will delete the cache. A broken cache can cause issues like you described. The cache will be rebuild from scratch after you clicked on the button.
Hi SP much appreciated for the information. Though is still doing the same thing. I check every download was downloaded and software activated. and still have to login again and my program still not activated
@Jesse-Marquez If you are logged in and can use all features you payed for it works fine. Usually Music Maker should log in your user account automatically when starting the software (in case you didn't log out before closing it the time before). But you need internet for this to work.
In case you are looking for an activation in your user area on, there is no entry for Music Maker because it is not activated by an installation but by a user login.