Score tool bar - Can't get rid of it

Joachim-Vinson wrote on 12/17/2024, 4:42 PM

Hi! I hate to ask all these stupid questions but I only do if I think I have checked every single menu item. This time I was the idiot, not my car. I managed to switch on the tool bar to print sheet music. I don't know how I switched it on and have no idea to switch it off. Nothing works as it used to now in the editor window. I am sure that this is - once again - easy and I am just too stupid to find it :-)


SP. wrote on 12/17/2024, 5:47 PM

@Joachim-Vinson That's odd. Does Music Maker even support scores? I thought that is only available in Samplitude.

Maybe it's a bug and you enabled the toolbar for a locked feature.

I would recommend you restart your computer. Select the Restart option and not the Shut down option. Usually this helps in case the MIDI Editor bugs out.