
GPM123 wrote on 7/5/2010, 8:39 AM
Hallo pauldrinkwater1 and welcome

I dont think that this is possibile,

To save pictures in the WSM site they would need your acces data.
As far as  I know the  only thing you can do (After you uploaded the media) is to set up some acess right protecting your  album or part of it with a  password, this way you can "select" your public just by choosing who is going to know the password and who is not.

GPM123 wrote on 7/5/2010, 9:43 AM
well that might be possible.
I'm italian and so i have experience only with italian Magix products,

I heard from other users that there are always small differencies between same products in different countries.

I think you should contact the english custmer services (sales department) and ask them.

I couldn't find the number but you can always sent a free request via mail using the request form


Man o' Lakes wrote on 7/8/2010, 4:36 AM
Hi there,

as part of the Website Maker package you have a free online album. If you upload your pictures here, then in your settings find manage album and contents. Online media manager will open, choose settings, Album settings, and choose Download release for visitors.  This will let your visitors download your pictures.

Cheers M o' L